Scottsburg, Indiana Cremation Urns

Scottsburg, Indiana - Cremation Urns
Collins Funeral Home

465 W. McClain Avenue
Scottsburg, IN, 47170

CALL NOW: (812) 752-3232

The largest selection of cremation urns in Scottsburg, Indiana is available at Collins Funeral Home. A cremation urn captures a person’s personality and individuality while honoring a wonderful life. Collins Funeral Home offers a diverse selection of worthy cremation urns to choose from in  Scottsburg, Indiana in many different styles, themes and hobbies. They can be simple in design or artistically created in a wide range of materials, colors and shapes.

Sharing the cremated remains of a loved one with Family Keepsakes and Cremation Jewelry helps to keep their memory close to heart. Biodegradable urns gently dissolve in water and allow you to easily transport the cremated remains of your loved one to your desired location. Earth friendly biodegradable urns make it easy to scatter the ashes of a loved one in a place that held real meaning for the deceased. A Companion Urn holds the cremated remains of two people, a popular choice of many couples and are available in many different shapes, themes and materials. 

So if you are looking for a cremation urn in Scottsburg, Indiana the largest and most affordable selection of urns is at Collins Funeral Home.